Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pilgramage back to MIT

The first post of this blog was the MIT intro to BIO 2003 fall course. I probably should have started with the later videos first but this gives us something to look forward to! Update you MIT student brain to version 2006! Here are direct links to the Youtube video channels of the other MIT intro to BIO courses.

Click on the play all link sit back and let MIT fill your brain with goodness. After all the things we've learned here so far, this should be a lot easier to follow :) Good luck!

MIT 7.013 Introductory Biology, Spring 2006 4 Videos
The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principles of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. Biological function at the molecular level is particularly emphasized and covers the structure and regulation of genes, as well as, the structure and synthesis of proteins, how these molecules are integrated into cells, and how these cells are integrated into multicellular systems and organisms. In addition, each version of the subject has its own distinctive material. 7.013 focuses on the application of the fundamental principles toward an understanding of human biology. Topics include genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, disease (infectious agents, inherited diseases and cancer), developmental biology, neurobiology and evolution.

MIT 7.014 Introductory Biology, Spring 2005 34 Videos
The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principles of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. Biological function at the molecular level is particularly emphasized and covers the structure and regulation of genes, as well as, the structure and synthesis of proteins, how these molecules are integrated into cells, and how these cells are integrated into multicellular systems and organisms. In addition, each version of the subject has its own distinctive material.

5.112 is an introductory chemistry course for students with an unusually strong background in chemistry. Knowledge of calculus equivalent to 18.01 is recommended. Emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. The course also covers applications of basic principles to problems in metal coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, and biological chemistry.

1 comment:

  1. Eric
    I must say that it has taken me a while to see your work in Biogen and thanks to Jose and Ana sending me your blog address I have been able to see for myself the incredible work you have done on the subject. I am both very impressed and proud of your contribution. I will follow your work moving forward.
